Squirrels Invasion

Squirrel hunting season has started. Hunters are in the woods trying to locate a squirrel nest or signs of squirrels. This means squirrels are being driven out of their nests and out of the woods tin order o run away from hunters. Therefore, squirrels need to locate new shelter which is safe to nest and have a food supply nearby.
Squirrels gain access into your attic by gnawing into your roof material, vinyl siding, wooden beams, or soffit. Once they reach their destination they get to work by gnawing on wires, ripping through installation to build their nest, and scrounge around looking for food.
The damage squirrels do can be significant. The wires they gnaw on can short out and spark which could cause a fire. Installation is no longer good because while the squirrels were building their nest, they left their urine and fecal behind. Any guest you invite over would be able to smell the scent from the contaminated installation which is very strong and unpleasant, also other squirrels will be able to smell the scent and invite themselves over as well. Not only do squirrels leave a bad scent, they can be a carrier of Lyme positive ticks in which would be in your home. Squirrels also can carry diseases of tularemia, leptospirosis and other diseases common in mice.
If you have seen any squirrel activity around your roof top or have heard noises in the attic, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7184. We do a thorough inspection which includes locating the entry points, removing the ones in your home, prevent these pests from re-entering and talk about the remediation process. We will be more than happy to work with you side by side to take care of your wildlife needs.