Wild Animals As Pets

I was watching an episode of the TV show Bones, and in that episode the detective uncovered a farm that had many wild animals as pets. One of the animals was a tiger. The tiger escaped the cage it was being held in and became aggressive toward the owner. The owner eventually had to put the animal down; however, it got me thinking about other people who would have wild animals as pets. Is it a good idea to have wild animals as pets? That is a good question.
There are many people who would answer that question as a yes, but others who would answer no. Here are some reasons why you should not.
Even though you may have a wild animal since it was a baby, the animal doesn’t stay a baby long. I’m sure you heard the story of the woman who let her pet python sleep with her every night. Then when she noticed the python stopped eating, she took it to the vet. The vet started asking the woman questions and she was told about its sleeping arrangement. The vet told her that the python was preparing its stomach for what it was stalking to eat next which was her.
2. It could bite anyone in the house it grew up with because it’s in their instincts.
3. Some animals carry diseases and parasites which could be transferred to a human. Let’s use a raccoon for example, the feces from a raccoon could contain raccoon roundworm. This parasite does infect humans which is very dangerous to humans, especially children. Raccoons could also carry rabies in which a human is bitten there is a great possibility the virus will be spread.
4. You could also put your biggest investment in danger. Your home shows your personality, love, and family in which you work hard to protect. It can be ripped to shreds depending on the animal you brought home. We will use squirrels for example. Squirrels have very sharp nails which are to be used to pierce bark and climb trees; therefore, there will be no problem for them to tear into your furniture, curtains and mattresses with all the energy they have. Even the home’s insulation is in danger if they can get to it. Those items would cost a good amount to be replaced.
5. Each state has its own laws when it comes to having an exotic animal as a pet. In the state of Virginia, it is illegal to possess any exotic animal without proper permits or licenses.
If you decide to own a wildlife animal make sure you do your homework to learn as much as you can about that animal. We all have a soft heart, but when our minds are sending red flags about taking exotic animals home and keeping them as pets we must listen to them. Our family and home could be at stake.
If you happen to see a wildlife animal around or evidence it is living in your home, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7184. We will be more than happy to work with you regarding any of your nuisance wildlife needs.