HELP!!! I’m Being Invaded

The temperatures in the month of February can play tricks on us here in the Northeast. One day during the week it can be around 65’ then the next day 40’. These temperatures not only have us confused, but wildlife animals as well. Well, “how does that affect me?” you ask. That’s a great question, one I’ll explain further for you.

Raccoons only need a 4-inch hole to gain access into your attic or building. If the hole is not 4-inch, they can tear their way into the building with their human like hands if they sense that area is what they want. These nuisance pests look for any easy access into your home where they will make their nest. These are extremely smart and have learned that buildings with garbage cans or dumpsters are great locations to live for their adequate food
Raccoons are nocturnal in which they are mostly active during nighttime.

Home attics are an example of a location where the female will nest her cubs if there’s an adequate food supply nearby and nothing to bother them. Late winter is when breeding typically occurs and the babies will be born in the spring time. However, if the female didn't bred at that time, then it will bred four months afterward and the babies will be born in the summer. Females can birth as many as six cubs per reproduction.
These nuisance pests will tear up an attic space. They shred the insulation, wires and personal items that have been stored to make their nests. These pests will also use the insulation as a personal bathroom leaving their urine and feces all throughout the attic. Raccoons can cause a significant amount of damage for the homeowner to clean up. There are some homeowner's insurance companies that will cover the seal work and/or the cleanup expense from a raccoon. You need to contact your insurance company to verify if that would be covered.

Not only do they cause damage, but they can be very toxic. Raccoons are the primary host of carrying roundworms. The roundworm eggs are passed in the feces of the infected raccoon and can infect people including pets by ingesting the eggs. The raccoon feces and urine carry diseases such as leptospirosis, giardia and salmonella. The systems are nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, aching muscles, headaches, fever, jaundice and dehydration. Pets and children are at a higher risk for rabies from infected raccoons by contact of the raccoon’s saliva from either a bite or scratch.
Here are some tips to keep raccoons away from your home.
1. Outside Garbage Cans
Your outside garbage can is a buffet for a raccoon. All they have to do is knock it over to get the lid off and they are set to eat. Keeping the garbage cans inside your shed or garage until garbage day will help prevent raccoons from getting inside them. You can also lock the lid using a bungee cord so the lid will not come off even when the knock the cans over.
2. Keep Pet Food Away
Make sure you clean up any pet food that is outside for your pets. This includes any bird seed or birds and squirrels. Once raccoons find a reliable food source, they will stay around the location to continue to eat. When your pets are finished eating, pick up their bowls instead of leaving them lying around.
3. Entry Points to Gain Access Into Your Home
A raccoon only needs 4 inches in diameter to enter your home. This could be through a vent or hole in your attic. Remember, they are very strong and can even tear an opening through your siding or soffit. Seal any holes that you find around your home.
4. Be Proactive
Contact a licensed wildlife control and removal professional to conduct a thorough inspection around your home to verify if there are any entry areas in which wildlife animals can enter. Elite Wildlife Removal is a licensed professional wildlife control and removal company that will be more than happy to ease your mind in knowing you can be nuisance pest free.

If you hear noises coming from your attic or have seen evidence of a raccoon residing with you, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7814 or 301-848-5048. We will be more than happy to work with you regarding any of your wildlife animal needs.