5 Fun Facts About Groundhog's Day

The morning of February 2nd, the famous groundhog comes out its hole to determine if we have six more weeks of winter or if spring is around the corner. Listed are some fun facts regarding our famous animal on his special day.
1. Groundhog's Day didn't always involve groundhogs. The roots can be traced back to a Christian holiday called Candlemas Day. Members of the clergy would bless and distribute candles needed to put people through the remaining winter days. Tradition then was if Candlemas Day was sunny and clear then winter drag on but if the weather was cloudy then spring would come soon.
2. The official groundhog's name was Punxsutawney Phil.
3. Groundhog's day first came to Pennsylvania and it was a social party. Problem was instead of the groundhog being the honoree, it was the entrée.
4. Punxsutawney Phil is married. His "wife", Phyllis live together which they hibernate through the winter together and get enough light and heat to keep them awake for Groundhog's Day.
5. Festivities for the celebration at Gobbler's Knobb starts at 3 a.m. which includes singing, dancing, bonfires and fireworks.