Unwanted Bird Damage

The temperatures are starting to rise and birds are starting to prepare their nests to start laying their young. It's fascinating to watch a bird build it's nest out of really anything. Recently, I watched a video showing a bird weaving a piece of twig in and out of the nest to strengthen it's sides. I never realized that the smallest of birds are extremely smart. Bird season coming into effect can be very expensive for homeowners. Even though they are small, one wouldn't think they can do that much damage to your home.
Birds will build their nests right in the corner of your gutters which can clog them up so water can not drain correctly away from your home. The damage can cause the gutters to be detached from your home due to the weight or even make them collapse. Structural damage will start and if not caught will start to rot your home over time. Without the use of the draining system, standing water coming from the gutters can cause foundation damage. Also the droppings from birds are very acidic which can eat away at certain roof materials to cause them to leak.
Birds can build their nests in your chimney or even the vents on the home. The most popular is the dryer vent. The heat from the dryer keeps their laid eggs warm; however, the nests are very flammable which can cause a house fire. Chimneys that have bird's nest built inside them can cause carbon monoxide inside your home and without the proper ventilation systems could be life threatening.
If you have seen evidence of birds nesting in one of your home's vents or need to be pro-active to ensure birds will not nest in those vents, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7184. We will be more than happy to conduct a thorough inspection on your home to keep these small, feathery, unwanted pests away.